Can plant conduct electricity?

Can plants survive when an electric current passes through them?


Frankly saying yes, a small range of electricity does not harm plants. Passing electricity into the plant body is the normal process.

Many scientists experimenting effect of electric current on plants. The results of the experiment proved that a small amount of dc current is helping the plant to grow faster than normal. The small amount of dc current makes the plants healthier and greenish.

Electro culture-The process of germinating seeds by using electricity.

The little amount of water present in the cell membrane of plants can make the plant a conductor. Yes, a small amount of electricity will flow through the plant body and the plant act as a poor conductor.

This article explains electrical current flows through a plant body,

  1. Benefits of passing an electric current through the plant body.
  2. What happens when we pass a dangerous current to the plant body?
  3. What happens when branches of the trees or plants touch the power line?
  4. Will humans get shocked when touching the electrocuted tree?

Current passes through the plant body benefit 

A Chinese government agriculture scientist Mr. Liu Binjiang, and his team members said that small milliAmpere does not harm the plant.

Electroculture experiments proved that a small amount of electricity can enhance the growth of the plant when compared with other non-electrified plants. 

A small amount of electric current for a long time will not affect the plant because the roots of the plants are grounded. 

When a small amount of the current less than 10ma flows through a plant body makes the plant healthier and greenish. 

Many experiments proved that the electrified plants grow healthier than the non-electrified plant.

Does a high electric current damage the living cells of the plant?

Yes, the flow of high current can damage the tissues of the plant. The withstand capacity of the plant for electric current depends upon the size of the plant.

Plants cannot sustain high current. When we pass a high current to the plant, it causes the plants to burn. The small amount of water evaporates and leads to the death of the living cells.

Comparing plant body with conducting wire

When faulty current such as short circuit current, over current flows through the conducting wire leads to burn in the conducting wire. As same as overcurrent flows through the plant body leads to burn.

What happens when the branches of a tree touch the power line?

Most of the time, the power line insulated around them but in rare case conductor of the power line touch the branches of the tree.

Normally, the electrical resistivity of the tree is high about 1017 ohm-ern. The electrical current always chooses the low resistive path. So the branches of the trees do not affect by the electrical current in dry condition.

If trees are in wet conditions then electrical current pass through the branches and reach the ground. The voltage drop across the ground is considered as the ground fault or earth fault. The protective devices sense this electrical fault and stop the flow of current.

But if the fault is not cleared immediately, it could cause a fire to trees and power lines. To avoid this situation fault should be clear immediately. 

Will humans get shocked when touching the electrocuted tree?

At two condition's human does not experience shock by just touching the electrocuted tree. 

  1. If the resistance of the tree is very less living things will not get shocked because the electric current passes into the ground through the tree. then we might not get any shock by touching the tree. If this condition is the opposite then we experience a shock. 
  2. The next one is the person who protected himself with PPE ( personal protective equipment) will not get shocked when touching the electrocuted tree. 

Most of the time we need to avoid touching electrocuted trees in the rainy season, better electricity providers should take action regarding this. 

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