New smart tips to write quality content (Get more revenue from AdSense by quality content)

Hi, All know that High CPC keywords rank well. But Google says that not only high CPC keyword determines the earning but the content plays an important role. 

Because quality and evergreen great contents drive traffics to your website. High traffics leads to more revenue.

Many developed bloggers like Rockers Tamil, Tamil blogger, and Neil Patel instructing about this information.

All are saying Great content leads to more revenue. Then how will you know that your content is good?

Tip No:1(Focus on Headline)

Always focus on strong and emotional heading for your blog.

Tip No: 2 (Make information more accurate)

Keep your information accurate and to the point, better with examples.

Tip No:3 (Try to get into Google Snippet)

The number of words in the blog is important but google featured a snippet that doesn't require a number of words. It requires only accurate content.

I do not encourage you to write content with fewer number of words. 

Thank You


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