SI unit of electric quantity

SI unit of a physical quantity.

This article focuses on basic SI units and derived SI units on electrical engineering and practical derived units in electrical quantity.

The 'International System of Units' can be abbreviated as the SI units. SI unit system was established in 1960. SI unit systems are commonly used to measure different physical quantities and constant terms of measurement throughout the world. SI unit enables us to measure and calculate easily.

Physical quantities*- It is a quantity that can be measured.

Measurement*: Comparing unknown quantity with known quantity to balance or measure it

SI units are based on the MKSA system (meter, kilogram, second, ampere ). SI units are universally accepted one and it is also called the metric system.

SI units can be broadly classified into,

Most of the practical units in electrical engineering come in the category of  Derived SI units.

Base unit.


  • The SI unit of length is the 'meter' and the symbol is 'm'. 
  • Length is used to measure the distance between two quantities.


  • The SI unit of time is 'seconds' and the symbol is denoted as 's'. 


  • The SI unit of temperature is Kelvin and it is denoted by the letter 'K'.

Luminous Intensity

  • The SI unit of 'Candela' is the luminous intensity and it is denoted as 'Cd'.

Plane angle

  • The SI unit of plane angle is 'radians' and the symbol is denoted as 'rad'.

Solid angle

SI unit of solid angle is 'Steradians' and the symbol is denoted as 'Sr'.


The SI unit of force is Newton and its symbol or denoted as N.

Derived SI unit in electrical and its dimension.

Energy or Work or Quantity of Heat. (J)

Power (W).

  • Its unit is 'watt' and the symbol is denoted as 'W'.

  • Dimension is 'm^^-2'.
Electric charge (C).
  • Its unit is 'coulomb' and the symbol is 'Q' or 'C'.
  • Dimension is denoted as 's*A'.

Emf or Potential or Potential Difference. (V) 

  • Its unit is 'volts' and the symbol is 'V'.
  • Dimension is denoted as 'm^^-2 A^-1'.
  • Its unit is 'Hertz' and the symbol is 'Hz'.
  • Dimension is 'S^-1'.

Main practical units in electrical engineering and its symbol.      units (symbol)             Electrical entity
  1. Amperes (A) - A unit of electric current (motion of charge 1 coulomb per sec is 1 ampere). 
  2. Joule (J) - A unit of energy.
  3. Watt (W) - A unit of power. 
  4. Coulomb (C) - A unit of electric charge.
  5. Volts (V) - The unit of voltage or potential difference. 
  6. Farad (F) - A unit of capacitance.
  7. Weber (wb)- A unit of Magnetic flux(Ψ).
  8. Henry (H) - A unit of inductance(L).
  9. Ohm (Ω)- A unit of reactance, resistance, impedance.
  10. Tesla(T) - A unit of magnetic flux density(B).
  11. Watt-hour (Kwh) - A unit of Active power.
  12. Volt ampere (Kva) - A unit of Apparent power.
  13. Voltamp reactive(Kvar) - A unit of Reactive power.
  14. Hertz(Hz)= A unit of frequency.

Explanation of the electrical unit.

  • The SI unit of current is 'Ampere' and it is denoted as 'A'.

Ampere (A):- Used to measures the electron or current flow in the conductor.

For example, the current flowing in a circuit is 1A.

  • 1A=flow of One coulomb per second


  • The SI unit of electrical energy is Joule.

Joule (J):- Used to measures energy and work. 

For example, 1 Joule of work is done by a body of mass 1 Kg when force is applied and 1 joule of energy is spent to complete a work.

  • One joule = One watt-sec  

Electric Power

  • The SI unit of electrical power is the watt. 

Watt(W):- Used to denote the rate of doing work (Joules per second). In electrical it is used to measure electrical power.

For example, an electric heater utilizes 2000 joules per second then it means the power utilized by the device is 2000 Watts.

Electrical power(P)=V x I

Electric charge

  • The SI unit of electric charge is the coulomb

Coulomb (C):- The standard unit of measuring the quantity of charge that crosses the point in the conductor within 1 sec.

  • 1 Coulomb = 6.25x 10^18 charges.

Electric Potential

  • The SI unit of potential difference is volt and it is denoted by V.

Volt(V):- The standard unit of measuring potential difference or emf between two charges.

  • 5 volt means the energy required to circulate a 1-coulomb charge to the whole circuit. 

Electric Capacitance

  • The SI unit of capacitance is the farad.
Farad (F):- The standard unit of measuring capacitance.
To find the capacitance  (C) of the capacitor = Q/V.
  • The value of capacitance is C=2 farads.

Electric or magnetic flux

  • The SI unit of flux is weber.
Weber(Wb):- Standard unit to measure magnetic flux(Ψ).
  • Change in the flux of one wb/s induces the potential difference of one 1 volt.

Electric Inductance

  • The SI unit of electric inductance is henry.
Henry (H):-It is the unit of henry. It is the standard unit to measure electrical inductance. It denotes the strength of the Inductor. 
  •  The capacity of self-inductance of the coil is represented in henry.

Electric resistance

  • The SI unit of electric resistance is the ohm.
Ohms (Ω):- It is the unit of electrical resistance. Ohm is the standard unit to measure the opposition of the electric current on the conductor.
  • A conductor has one ohm(Ω) to oppose the flow of 5 Ampere electric current.

Flux density

The SI unit of electric or magnetic flux density is tesla.

Tesla (T):- Unit of magnetic flux density. SI unit to measure the magnetic flux intensity.
  • 1 tesla = 1 Wb\sqm

Active power

  • The SI unit of active power is Watt-hour.
Watt-hour (Kwh) - Unit of electrical power. It is a standard unit to measure the rate of power. That is an active power
  • The power which actually consumed by a device concerning time is measured. P=V x I x t

Apparent power

  • The SI unit of apparent power is Volt-ampere.
Volt ampere (Kva) - Standard unit to measure apparent power. 
  • This measures the total power generated at the generating station. 

Reactive power

  • The SI unit of reactive power is volt amp reactive.
Voltamp reactive(Kvar) - a unit of Reactive power.
  • It simply used to measure a power that doesn't do any real work (current which induces a magnetic field around the coil) or (current that charges a capacitor).
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