What is electricity? Electricity is the flow of positive and negative electric charges required to power electrical loads. For example, in order to operate a motor, electrical energy is needed. All electrical loads, such as ceiling fans, air coolers, and tube lights, require electricity to function.
Electricity changed the present & it is also changing the future.
M. Senthil
In this article, we will learn more about the types of electricity, So let's start
Different types of Electricity
- Static electricity
- Dynamic electricity or Current electricity
What is Static Electricity?
Static Electricity is generated by friction. In static electricity, electrons are always ready to transfer from one material to other material to balance. This uneven distribution of charges is what causes the effects of static electricity
The concept of static electricity existed from 600 B.C. The Greek Philosopher Thales Of Miletus observed and noted the natural phenomenon of "attractive force" after rubbing amber (Yellow-brown resin) with a piece of silk cloth.
In 1600 A.D, Dr. Gilbert described this attractive force as "electricity" based on Latin "electricus"( meaning amber). In the later period, many researchers worked on this electricity and mentioned it as "static electricity" due to the static phenomenon of electric charges.
What is the cause of static electricity?
All materials in the world are made up of atoms. You may already know that the atom consists of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
Protons possess a positive charge, Electron possesses negative charges, and finally, the neutrons possess no charges so they are considered a neutral particle.
Now, let's conclude that an atom consists of positive and negative charges, with equal numbers. So, we can say that materials are electrically neutral states.
What happens when the Greek philosopher Thales rubs the amber with a piece of silk cloth?
While Greek philosopher Thales rubs the amber with a piece of silk cloth, electric charges started to build upon the surface of the material due to frictional energy.
Friction between these two materials makes an imbalance in the material's neutral state. This phenomenon is called charge separation or net charge separation.
Now the question may arise How friction enables static electricity?
When we rub two materials, the frictional energy can give loosely bound electrons enough energy to leave their atoms and attach to others.
These electron's migration will create an imbalance in protons and electrons count. As a result, the material with more protons becomes positively charged, and the material with more electrons becomes negatively charged.
As per the coulombs law, the positively and negatively charged materials attract each other.
Static electricity is considered to be dangerous because lightning is nothing but the discharge of static charges.
Example of Static electricity
Consider the materials balloon, pieces of paper, and wool. The balloon is a rubber. Now rub the balloon with wool. This action makes wool loosen its electrons to the balloon because wool contains dons of electrons.
This action will make the balloon negatively charged material. Now, place the ballon will attain the ability to attract the pieces of electrons because pieces of paper are positively charged particles.
Electricity can also be generated by electrostatic generators such as van de graff generator.
Is static electricity AC or DC?
Static electricity is nothing but the discharge of electrons. So we cannot categorize static electricity into AC or DC.
What is Dynamic Electricity?
Dynamic electricity is also known as current electricity. The properties of Dynamic electricity are in contrast to static electricity because the movement of electrons (negatively charged particles) will be free in conductors. This is also known as current electricity.
Current electricity is nothing but the name given to the moving electrons. In dynamic electricity, the flow rate of charge will be proportional to time.
It has the ability to flow through the conductor, so engineers transfer the electricity through transmission lines to the end-users (consumers).
Types of Dynamic electricity
There are two types of dynamic electricity: i) Alternating Current (A.C) and ii) Direct current (D.C)
Alternating current
The direction of the free flow of electrons will be altered in nature and forms a sine wave, at the same frequency. Nikola Tesla researched and developed the alternating current.
Direct current
The free flow of electrons will be constant in one direction. It does not have a frequency. Thomas Edison researched and developed the direct current.
What is the cause of dynamic electricity?
Examples of Dynamic electricity
Electricity from batteries, Solar panels, electric generators is all examples of dynamic electricity.
Uses of electricity
Every single day electrical energy consumption increasing gradually because electricity is one of the primary energy sources to operate electrical devices such as refrigerators, television, ceiling fan, etc.
Electricity is one of the wonderful discoveries in the world. Now, people saying that "we are comfortable with electricity"
The electrical grid and smart grid system help us to analyze and understand more about energy consumption.
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